Tag Archives: rambling


Keeping Track

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There was a Tumblr post going around on New Year’s about making some sort of “good things” jar. The idea was you were supposed to write down something good that happened to you (or a happy thought or whatever) on a piece of paper every day and put it in the jar. At the end of the year you get to sift through the jar and remember all your blessings. It’s a pretty cool idea – and I debated doing it. Even went so far as to clean out a jar and get it ready, but that’s about as far as it went. Not sure why. It’s not that I can’t think of happy/good things that happened on a given day, though I definitely think that sometimes we tend to take many of those things for granted. It’s probably not a bad thing to try to focus on them more… Read more


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Before I left on vacation I had mentioned I wanted to talk a little bit about the movie Brave. Spoilers ahead and all that, but I think the movie has been out long enough that most people have seen it (who wanted to.) The thing is, as a whole, the movie seems to have gotten a bad rap from a lot of critics, particularly because of the plot. A lot seems to have been made out of the fact that Merida is Pixar’s first female lead, and with that in mind, perhaps she should have…done more? The crux of the issue is this – the setup leads us to believe that Merida is a bit of a warrior princess type – she’s brash and headstrong, rides her horse, shoots arrows and is basically a tom-boy. (Incidentally, this EW article on the subject insisting that Merida might be a lesbian because… Read more


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A bit of a late night post tonight. Things got a little nutty today at work and I couldn’t sneak in a post during lunch like I usually do. Happens sometimes – and technically I’m cutting into some of my writing time tonight to post. There isn’t even any real reason for it – I just feel like rambling a bit – and also? The origami book dragon there is totally awesome. 😀 But honestly I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed the last few days (and massively crankypants). Just a lot going on in author land. It’s not always about writing, you know? I’ve got some cons coming up so now there’s a bit of a scramble as to what new swag I want to order and plane tickets to get and people to contact about getting on panels or workshops or whatever. Do I want to place an ad… Read more

Finding the Right Words

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One of the things that bothers me most about the way I blog is that I never really get too in depth on a lot of subjects that push my buttons. Maybe that’s just because I don’t want to deal with the internal stress. (Which is a fancy way of saying I tend to get worked up mentally and then I’m useless for several hours – which is time I can’t really afford to give up right now.) And lately? I’ve gotten angry about a lot. Much of it has to do with the GOP basically crapping all over women’s rights (and which, as bad as that is, doesn’t really hold a candle to what women in other parts of the world have to deal with. Birth control issues aside, I’m not going to get stoned to death because I was raped, either. Not that it makes the other stuff… Read more

Acknowledge This

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So I started writing up my acknowledgments while I was in the doctor’s office Tuesday.I always sort of suck at these because I tend to want to thank anyone I talked to during the writing process. Writing books is so much more than just putting words down on the page – I mean, sure, you obviously want to thank your beta readers and your editor and all that but for me there is always so much more going on. Half the time it isn’t even about the writing so much as the people I talk to who help keep me going. (Even if we’re not talking about writing at all.) Hell, there are days when I want to thank my iPod for playing good music. (Which probably seems a little odd. And speaking of which – I’m over at Word Whores today talking about my music obsession as well…) The writing of… Read more