Tag Archives: fail


Mini WFC Recap

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So I’m finally back home after several lovely days up in Toronto for World Fantasy Con. Back being an operative word since I’m fighting a killer cold and trying to catch up on sleep and work emails. But as much fun as I had, it’s always nice to come home to my own bed. So – a few highlights. Toronto was nice, but the hotel was way out of the way of the downtown area, which meant I didn’t get a chance to see and do everything I wanted. Cabs were ridiculously expensive and some friends had cars, but traffic was an absolute nightmare. (Took one friend over 2 hours to get from the city to the hotel one evening, after taking her about 30 minutes going in the opposite direction.) So, to the friends I didn’t get to see, I’m very sorry and hopefully we can work something out… Read more

Reality Check

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I almost joined a blog hop a few weeks ago. The theory here is that people all sign up on one person’s blog and then post the information on their blog, thereby leading to a what would hopefully be a stream of visitors from everywhere and possibly some new followers. However, I decided to check the status of some of the people already on the list before jumping in. And most of them were either authors, or those hoping to become published – which is fine. But at least one of those was very bitter. I’ll admit I’ve heard rumors of such people – but until now, I hadn’t really run across one. Said aspiring author had finally given up on the publishing establishment and had moved into self-publishing. Which is actually fine – quite a few authors out there have decided that the traditional route is not for them… Read more