Tag Archives: ack


In the Pipe…

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Not quite 5 x 5. Not yet. Yes, it’s an Aliens reference – but it’s been that sort of week. (And I watched it again the other night – it’s one of those comfort movies for me, for some odd reason.) At any rate, radio silence being what it is, I’ve just been completely slammed – the volume of paperwork required for the kids’ summer camps is somewhat baffling, not to mention the crazy amounts of running about, and a fair number of contractors stopping by. (Mostly for estimates, but everyone’s trying to sell something. And really, why is it that nearly every contractor badmouths all the others? “Oh, you should have called me for X. You paid too much for Y.”  No offense, but making the homeowner feel like an ass isn’t the way to get their business. Just saying.) And the dog. The dog. Little miss Maggie, who has… Read more

Packing Madness & Informal Title Contest

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No. Actually, I’m NOT done packing. Yes. I *am* freaking out. Most of the stuff is laid out and ready to go though – I just need to get things in place.  (And grrr – my new video card appears to have crapped the bed. Always, always things just fall apart as soon as I’m trying to get ready to leave.) But in the meantime, I’ve been asked to come up with some title suggestion for BoD 2, and most likely the series name. Now, I’m going to be brainstorming on the plane tomorrow, but I thought I’d open this up to suggestions.  My favorite gets an ARC of book 2, whenever it comes out, as a prize. (I can’t guarantee it will actually *be* the title – publisher gets the last word on that, but I always like to hear other opinions.) As a side note, Comb of Darkness… Read more