Tag Archives: tmi


The New Normal

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I actually hate this phrase. I hear it all the time, usually dealing with chronic illness, and I have to admit it tends to be the last admission to myself when I realize that once again I’m afflicted with some sort of “we don’t really know how to fix this or test for it, but we can treat it. Maybe. Sorry” disease. Like everything else, a confirmed diagnosis is both good (yay, I know what I have!) and bad. (Boo! Everything hurts and nothing helps.) I guess you could call it a five stages of grief thing, as you desperately research everything you can about said issue, throwing yourself at doctors and home remedies in the off chance that maybe this particular herb will be the miracle you’re looking for. And then there’s anger/sadness/depression and all that…and eventually acceptance. The new normal, such as it is. But I’m not here… Read more