Tag Archives: kidney stones


March Madness

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Alas, not about basketball. But madness pretty much sums up this entire month. To be fair, except for the weather, it pretty much started out like a lamb…but it’s going out like a lion. In general, things were looking up this month – we attended the wedding of a good friend, I got invited to participate in an upcoming anthology, I’m out on submission, I’m waiting for a few other things to line up the way they should – in short, life seemed pretty good. I’m not sure where the weirdness started, so I suppose I’ll just begin with the endoscopy. It was a few weeks ago, the doc diagnosed me with a hiatal hernia, took some biopsies and off I go. (Still waiting on those results, but at this point, not a particularly high priority to find out and I’m rather done with borrowing trouble, so to speak.) That… Read more