
St. Patrick’s Day

Posted in ireland, waterboys | 3 Comments
Being mostly Irish, I actually have a bit of fondness for the holiday. Not so much for the drinking aspect, but more on a “connection: with my roots” kind of thing. I was actually in Galway about 15 years ago during St. Patrick’s Day. Definitely a different vibe than the States, mostly because it’s more of a religious holiday there. There was a very tiny parade and then people went to church and that was about it. I can’t really make a statement about people hitting the pubs early, because I think there were people in the pubs by 10 or 11 am nursing a Guinness every day I was there (both times!). In fact, the only thing different was when we hit the pubs that night,  the bartenders traced shamrocks into foam on the tops of the pints. Good music everywhere, though. 🙂 And as much as I love… Read more

The Waterboys

Posted in grumpy as fuck, waterboys | Leave a comment
Meh. Lousy weekend, lousy birthday**. Rather than bitching about it, I’ll just throw this up instead. The Waterboys are one of my fav bands, introduced to me many years ago by a friend in Ireland (still think I have the tape somewhere). This song wasn’t on the tape, but that’s ok. Listening to it always puts me in a better mood. ** And no – the general bitchiness doesn’t include the feast that was The Melting Pot that night, or the Red Door spa gift certificate. Those things were quite nice. The rest of it blew big fat donkey ass, though.… Read more