Tag Archives: ficlet


And Then What Happens?

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I was doing a little hard drive clean up last night and ran across the beginnings of some sort of ficlet. It’s clearly not finished and I can’t remember why I wrote it. (Probably for one of those 500 word blog contests or something, but  who knows.) But I got to the end of it and was like…that’s it? Where’s the rest of it??? I don’t even have a title for it, but here goes: OOO The Holly King found her eating berries beneath the Hawthorn, her chin stained crimson. The snow princess hunched miserably in the shelter of the skeletal branches, her naked skin as pale as the frost upon the rushes. The juice dripped from her lips as she shoveled another handful into her mouth, her dark eyes glaring at him in rebellion. “I won’t go back,” she snapped as he squatted down beside her, his dark boots… Read more