
Mental Stuttering

Posted in craft, editing, word counts, wordle | 9 Comments
I sent the draft for the sequel to Brush of Darkness to my new editor today. It’s amazing what a relief it is to finally know that it is DONE. Of course, I also sorta want to throw up. How’s that for shit? As happy as I am on the one hand, there’s still that pitter-patter of doubt that continues to run in my mind. What if she hates it? What if it sucks? What if she wants me to rewrite 80% of the thing? What if, what if, what if. And “done” is an operative word here. The story is finished, but it’s not quite there yet as far as polishing goes. I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to tweak the story in places so that it makes sense – the one caveat to being a panster is that I occasionally stutter-start into part of a plot that… Read more

Wordle is Fun. Sorta.

Posted in random, wordle | 1 Comment
Whee. Jumping on the Wordle bandwagon this morning. (Lots of NaNo blogs out there doing that, it seems). Hmm…looks like I use “just” and “like” a few too many times.  May have to remedy that on another editing pass one of these days.… Read more