
Screaming Monkeys and Luggage Condoms

Posted in luggage, random, updates | 11 Comments
Yesterday was Father’s Day, obviously – most of which I spent over at the in-laws. Mr myn’s dad is in the more advanced stages of Parkinson’s, so it’s a rather bittersweet sort of holiday. In fact, I’m feeling rather private about it, so I’m not going to say much more than we had dim sum and the kids all played in the pool and we enjoyed the day as best we could. For my own little family celebration, we kept it pretty low key. Mr myn and I have gotten to the point where we don’t spend a huge amount of money on these sorts of holidays. I decided to be a bit more tongue-in-cheek this time around and made a number of small purchases to contribute to his Zombie Apocalypse Kit. (Yes, he sort of has one. No, it’s not for zombies. But I call it that anyway since… Read more