
The Lines of Love

Posted in awesomesauce, love, terminator, writing | 4 Comments
I was thinking back along some of my favorite movies and books last night, specifically to try to find one of those defining moments/scenes/lines that just *makes* that story a part of me. It might be hard to define, but you know what I mean. It’s that little bit that you always make a point of watching when you’re flipping the channels on the TV or the dog-eared passage of a book that you read whenever you’re having a shitty day. Whatever it is, it resonates deeply.(And the same could be said of a piece of music – what refrain or musical bridge takes root in you?) I’ve seen it said somewhere that dialogue in books is never really all that realistic because it would be terribly boring if it were. That’s probably true to some degree. As authors we straddle that line between keeping things interesting without going over… Read more