
Get Down With the Sickness

Posted in bioware, blog, dragon age, Lucy, mass effect, sick | Leave a comment
Or so they say. 4 days after Lucy finished up her meds for strep…she came down with it again. (And 2 weeks before her first round, Connor had it, so it’s just been antibiotic central here.) And then there’s me. Who spent several hours playing the multiplayer version of the ME3 demo on Friday night (until about 2 AM or so?) Managed to give myself such a terrible case of “mouse shoulder” that I ended up drugging myself into oblivion on Saturday. Couldn’t even turn my neck. That being said, it was hella fun. Though I should point out, I was playing with other women that I knew from various places in the Bioware fandom. So it was laid-back and helpful, even though this was my first time out. As opposed to the story that was going around on tumblr last week, where one of the ladies I know ended… Read more